Classy! Sebastian, a one-year-old Persian, sports gold crowns on his two bottom canines, which grew sticking out from his lips in an underbite similar to a bulldog's.
His owner, dentist David Steele, said he gave Sebastian gold crowns to help strengthen the fanged feline's teeth. Steele said he was worried the unique canines would break off or become a problem.
"It's possible to work on animals the same way we do humans," he said. "I did it to strengthen (Sebastian's) teeth, but it had an excellent cosmetic result. The cat gets a lot of attention now. Everyone is tickled to death when they see him."
Sheep in Germany are being kitted out with miniature wellington boots to stop them from getting infections.
The PVC shoes are made by businessman Wilhelm Fennen who started making the all-weather boots for dogs, but soon got a request from a farmer in Hamburg to design footwear for his flock.
"The shoes are not meant for fashion but for protection, particularly when a pet has cut or hurt its paws. The request for sheep shoes came from a farmer who wanted to protect his animals from an infection that was going around,"explained Fennen, who has also provided wellies for an entire police dog unit.
posted by Louise Louis @ 8:08 AM
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